MediaWiki API result

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                "fromid": 1,
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                "title": "Baseline elevation and reduction in cardiac electrical instability assessed by quantitative T-wave alternans in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy treated with vagus nerve stimulation in the AspireSR E-36 trial"
                "fromid": 1,
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                "title": "Benefits of sunlight: Vitamin D deficiency might increase the risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy"
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                "title": "Bradyarrhythmias induced by antiepileptics increase frequency of epileptic seizures"
                "fromid": 1,
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                "title": "Bradycardia, an epileptic ictal manifestation"
                "fromid": 1,
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                "title": "Bradycardia and asystole induced by partial seizures: A case report and literature review"
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                "title": "Bradycardia and syncope as manifestations of partial epilepsy"
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                "title": "Bradycardia and tachycardia following electrical stimulation of the amygdaloid region in monkey"
                "fromid": 1,
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                "title": "Brain or heart-that is the question"
                "fromid": 1,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Brain seizes, heart ceases: a case of ictal asystole"
                "fromid": 1,
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                "title": "Breathing: rhythmicity, plasticity, chemosensitivity"