Bradycardia, an epileptic ictal manifestation

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van Rijckevorsel K, Saussu F, and de Barsy T (1995) Bradycardia, an epileptic ictal manifestation. Seizure 4:3 237–9.

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Abstract: Two patients with recurrent paroxysmal cardio-vascular symptoms are described. The first, an adult, suffered from syncopal events which did not respond to carbamazepine treatment and had a normal interictal EEG and ECG. The second, a child, presented with attacks of cyanosis, apnoea, and non-responsiveness in clusters, with normal interictal examinations. In both patients, prolonged simultaneous EEG and ECG monitoring demonstrated ictal bradycardia accompanied by paroxysmal discharges in the left temporal area.

Keywords: epilepsy; bradycardia; heart rate; EEG/ECG monitoring


  • Report of two cases of syncope and apnea, with simultaneous EEG and EKG eventually demonstrating bradycardia and epileptiform activity in the left temporal region.


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