A correlation of autonomic and EEG components in temporal lobe epilepsy

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Van Buren JM and Ajmone-Marsan C (1960) A correlation of autonomic and EEG components in temporal lobe epilepsy. Arch Neurol 3: 683–703.

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Abstract: In recent years it has become increasingly apparent that seizures characterized by curious visceral and psychical states and automatism associated with a predominantly temporal localization of electroencephalographic abnormality form a large proportion of clinical seizure problems. This has been reported to be as high as 75%.1 As more evidence has accumulated, the problems associated with a sound understanding of its mechanism have vastly expanded.The present study consists in a series of observations of patients subject to attacks of this sort. An attempt has been made in a number of pentylenetetrazol (Metrazol)-induced seizures to record graphically as many clinical, autonomic and electroencephalographic phenomena as possible which are interrelated by the same time base. By this means it was hoped to discover correlates that might be useful in understanding the mechanism of the ictal features of temporal lobe epilepsy.



  • Early study linking seizure to autonomic alterations.


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