Respiratory responses to stimulation of temporal pole, insula, and hippocampal and limbic gyri in man

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Kaada BR and Jasper H (1952) Respiratory responses to stimulation of temporal pole, insula, and hippocampal and limbic gyri in man. AMA Arch Neurol Psychiatry 68:5 609–19.

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Abstract: Many observers have reported changes in respiratory movements induced by stimulation of the cerebral cortex in various animals. The most important of these studies have recently been reviewed by Delgado and Livingston and by Kaada, to which papers the reader is referred. Previous studies on primates which have some bearing on the present study will be summarized briefly. In the monkey a small area for inhibition of respiratory movements was early found in the lower precentral region (Area 6B) (Vogt and Vogt; Walker and Green; Smith). A second area which is said to exert an inhibitory influence on respiration in the monkey has been described on the posterior orbital surface of the frontal lobe (Spencer; Bailey and Sweet; Delgado and Livingston; Sachs, Brendler, and Fulton).




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