The sudden death of Patsy Custis, or George Washington on sudden unexplained death in epilepsy

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Doherty MJ (2004) The sudden death of Patsy Custis, or George Washington on sudden unexplained death in epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav 5:4 598–600.

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Abstract: Patsy Custis, George Washington's stepdaughter, died suddenly during a brief seizure in 1773. Accounts of Patsy's illness and unexpected death were abstracted from George Washington's papers available via the Library of Congress. Patsy's epilepsy, the treatments she received, and his descriptions of her death were studied. Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP) criteria are applied and discussed. George Washington's description of Patsy's epilepsy and subsequent death meet criteria for SUDEP.

Keywords: Epilepsy; Death; Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy


  • Presentation of valuable historical evidence describing an apparent case of SUDEP in an adolescent. The topic was earlier covered by DeToledo et al. (1999).


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