Sudden unexpected death of epileptic patient due to cardiac arrhythmia after seizure

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Dasheiff RM and Dickinson LJ (1986) Sudden unexpected death of epileptic patient due to cardiac arrhythmia after seizure. Arch Neurol 43:2 194–6.

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Abstract: Sudden unexpected death (SUD) occurred in an epileptic patient after a seizure. The patient had a witnessed seizure with electrocardiographic evidence of a cardiac arrhythmia. Immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the hospital was ineffective. Autopsy revealed no anatomic cause of death. This case supports a cardiac cause for SUD in this patient. The mechanism of death remains speculative despite its setting in an epilepsy center. The seven-year experience with SUD at the epilepsy center is reviewed.



  • Early single-case report of witnessed SUDEP with EKG evidence of arrhythmia.


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